On Sunday, I found myself at my parent's house for the day. So I decided to take advantage of the large kitchen and aga and bake a few things I'd been thinking of trying for a while.
A french apple tart recipe, found in a Mary Berry cookbook, had been on my to-bake list for a long time. The layered slices of apples on the top appealed to me, instead of hiding them away under more pastry.
This was the first time I'd baked blind, but didn't have any problems. There's something very satisfying abut filling a pie dish with little ceramic beans, letting them do their thing, and then pop them back into their container. Job done.
The tart tasted delicious. Although there was hardly any sugar in the recipe, it was still very sweet. Perfect with a big dollop of Rhinka vanilla ice cream.
My first batch of brownies were pretty good - a bit crispy at the edges, but the centre was soft, helped by the chunks of marshmallow I added to the recipe. Easy and yum.
A successful day of baking.