Thursday, August 14, 2014


a busy summer means this space has been neglected. one thing that we got up to was a break in amsterdam. i couldn't stop photographing this beautiful city.

Monday, February 10, 2014

knitting lately

a cowl for my brother as a birthday gift
a cowl for me

currently on my needles - Gentian Hat

next project - Forge Hat for Keith, with Brooklyn Shelter.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

obligatory resolutions for twenty fourteen

The first breakfast of the year

As I previously said, I am not one for resolutions. I never keep them.

However, with the beginning of a new year it is in the air...

  • I would like to try and read books I own that I haven't gotten round to reading yet. I tend to visit the library and get enticed by what is there, ignoring the lovely books I have parted with money for. I have a lot of books. So I am adding them to my list of books to read this year...

  • Menu planning is something that I think could greatly help with budgeting and healthy eating. So I hope to start using my collection of cookbooks more, try out new recipes and plan our weekly eats in advance. Astrid's post on this has inspired me.

  • I'd also like to get exercising again, but am not sure yet as to what to do. I will be trying things out in January to see what I could stick with.

  • I'll be starting Project Life, which I've already mentioned.

  • Lastly, what I'm most excited about is knitting projects. Towards the end of last year, I started buying beautiful wools and got a lot more excited about what I was knitting. Although I only completed a handful of projects, I'm determined to expand on this in 2014. I've already lined up some lovely projects on my Ravelry page.